Deep Down Things

Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.

Infinity Within
Sarah Freymuth Sarah Freymuth

Infinity Within

Sarah Freymuth with a beautiful meditation on the relation of the infinite to the finite.

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Friday Links
Mary R. Finnegan Mary R. Finnegan

Friday Links

“When You Pursue Me, World” by Rhina Espaillat and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

Attention and the Screen Sick Soul, by Steven Knepper, in Church Life Journal

Stay Awake: Death, Catholicism, and Yvor Winters from James Matthew Wilson

Phil Klay and Jacob Siegel discuss Stevens’ “Sunday Morning” and Hopkins’ “God’s Grandeur”

Joshua Hren in Front Porch Republic on Bernanos’ The Diary of a Country Priest

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Friday Links
Mary R. Finnegan Mary R. Finnegan

Friday Links

Joshua Hren reviews Cormac McCarthy’s two new novels, The Passenger and Stella Maris

Josh Nadeau on the Makers & Mystics podcast

Sarah Cortez interviews Phil Klay

Jenn Frey and Dana Gioia discuss Charles Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal

A new play from J.C. Scharl

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Friday Links
Mary R. Finnegan Mary R. Finnegan

Friday Links

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI dies

Collegium Institute and Dappled Things present The Lost Women

Paul Pastor on J.V. Cunningham

Living Outside of Time, Gary Saul Morson in NYRB, on Eugene Vodolazkin

How Sigrid Undset went from Secretary to Nobel Prize Winner

Music for the Epiphany, Mater Ora Filium & Where is This Stupendous Stranger

A poem from the DT Archives, “A Roadside Epiphany” by Don Russ

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DT’s Explosive Growth in 2022 & Plans for Next Year
Bernardo Aparicio García Bernardo Aparicio García

DT’s Explosive Growth in 2022 & Plans for Next Year

Catholic literature was supposed to be dead. So it seemed in 2005 when Dappled Things launched its first issue. But our faith has a knack for resurrection, and now what seems dead is that narrative of decline.

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“Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,” illustrated with notes, by James Tissot
Roseanne T. Sullivan Roseanne T. Sullivan

“Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,” illustrated with notes, by James Tissot

In this illustration for the lavishly produced Life of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, James Tissot places the episode of Jesus’ birth in one of the caves in the mountains in and around Bethlehem, a departure from visual tradition, which often locates the Nativity in a stable.

Although Tissot spurned the art-historical convention of the halo in his depictions of the Holy Family and the apostles, he endows the infant Christ with a glow that illuminates the face of his adoring mother, who clasps her hands in prayerful reverence.

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December 24: Happy Birthday Dana Gioia
Roseanne T. Sullivan Roseanne T. Sullivan

December 24: Happy Birthday Dana Gioia

Dana Gioia, distinguished poet, critic, cultural observer, and Catholic, was born Christmas Eve in 1950. In the midst of an extraordinary career in which he has achieved widespread recognition and active sales of his poetry collections, a rare achievement for living poets, he continues to work towards another kind of success—seeking to bring not only poetry (which is much neglected these days) but also the work of fine Catholic writers back into the mainstream culture.

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Friday Links
Mary R. Finnegan Mary R. Finnegan

Friday Links

December 23, 2022

Fourth week of Advent

“Let your heart be the manger that welcomes the holy Stranger”

+A.M. Juster’s 2022 book recommendations on the Claremont Review of Books and John Wilson’s A Bookish Christmas is over at First Things

+Christianity Today’s 2023 Book Awards

+Mary Consoles Eve, interview by Joy Clarkson with Sr. Grace Remington

+ Chesterton Carol

+O Antiphons

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Friday Links Are Back! 12/16/22
Katy Carl Katy Carl

Friday Links Are Back! 12/16/22

+”The Hymn of Juan Diego,” a poem for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe by James Matthew Wilson

+A new verse translation of St Ambrose’s Advent Hymn by E.J. Hutchinson in First Things

+Wiseblood Books 2023 anticipated publications and a Christmas discount

Hillsdale College Chapel Choir singing O Little Town of Bethlehem

+Paul Pastor’s challenge to Christian writers from Ekstasis

+The Merry Beggars: An Audio Advent Calendar recording of A Christmas Carol

Though Advent is a penitential season, the Church, in her wisdom, dapples these four weeks of waiting with feast days. Hopefully, on the first major feast of the season, Saint Nicholas’ Day, you awoke to find your shoes overflowing with chocolates. If not, this week’s Friday Links should fill your heart with delight and an ever growing gratitude for the beauties of this world.

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