Quarterly Edition (Print & Digital)
Dappled Things now accepts submissions exclusively through Submittable. You may upload your work by clicking on the link below:
Please read the submission guidelines found on our Submittable page carefully.
If you are submitting simultaneously and are accepted elsewhere, please follow these directions:
For fiction, nonfiction, and visual art, use the “Withdraw” feature in your Submittable account. Do not withdraw a submission through email.
For poetry, if you are withdrawing your entire submission, please use the “Withdraw” feature in your Submittable account. If you are withdrawing one or more poems from a submission that contains other poems remaining eligible for consideration, please email managing editor Ann Thomas using the contact form below.
We are unable to provide personal feedback on submissions due to the overwhelming number of works we receive and our small staff. Thank you for your understanding.
If you have further questions, you may contact the managing editor using the form below.
Deep Down Things Blog
To submit to the Dappled Things blog, contact our web editor, Fr. Michael Rennier, at michaelrennier at gmail.com.
Please be advised that we are often scheduling pieces several months in advance, so if your submission is meant to be timely—an essay for Lent, the birthday of a famous writer, an anniversary of an event, etc.—you will want to plan accordingly.
Further questions regarding journal submissions: