Deep Down Things
Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.
Friday Links

A road less taken on Maui
In a world of bucket lists and tourists traps, perhaps a tiny church, a churchyard, and solitude are all we need.

Friday Links
with a poem from Steven Searcy, ND conference with JMW, Joshua Hren, J. C. Scharl, Paul Pastor, Paul Krause on Jane Austen, Dwight A. Lindley III on Homer, art from Maura H. Harrison

The Illustrated Word
St. Aethelwold’s Benedictional and the art of illumination

Friday Links
Friday Links with Paul Lauritzen on end-of-life dreams, Trevor Cribben Merrill: Three Lessons in Beauty, Phil Klay on a Wild Butchery of Souls ,Clark Weidner on Dostoevsky, Faith and Imagination podcast with Sally Read

Art teaches us how to see
There’s a whole realm of vision we’ve never noticed before. Do we really know what we see?

Friday Links
Jon Bishop: “An Arrival”; Joseph Bottum, Susannah Black Roberts interviews Makoto Fujimura, Matthew Milliner, Peter B. Kaufman: on Carlos Eire’s They Flew

Friday Links
Jonathan Geltner; Phil Klay, John Wilson in Prufrock on Rhonda Ortiz, Paul Baumann on Mary McCarthy, some Christmas verse

Beauty Will Make the World: Why You Should Support a Cause That Isn’t Urgent
If we are to have true progress in our time, don’t expect it to come from governments and technology companies. It was not Augustus in his well lit palace but Christ in his dingy manger who transformed the world.

Ghost of a Golden Age
A “hauntology” on Lebanon’s lost Golden Age.

Friday Links
with James Matthew Wilson, A. E. Stallings, and more

Write without ceasing
“Like the bright pinprick of the burning star of Bethlehem guiding us through the darkest nights of the soul in Advent, the fires of our vocations illuminate the path to the light of the Son. The wolves of loneliness will always be circling in the forest. The question is whether we as believers can kindle a fire bright enough to keep them at bay.”
The Lady on the mountain
“After mass, I stand in front of the Black Madonna and touch the sphere in her hand, pilgrims on either side of me. About 500 years ago, a man named Inigo, later calling himself Ignatius, laid down his sword in front of this statue after making a confession and praying through the night. He pledged his life to her.”

Friday Links
with Rowan Williams, Joseph Bottum, Joshua Hren of Jon Fosse, on Louise Kennedy, and Amy Wellborn

The Day a Student Accused Me of Gluttony
And placed me in circle three of Inferno.

Friday Links
with Clare Coffey, Matthew Milliner, Nick Ripatrazone on Laura Reece Hogan, Alex Sosler, Valerie Stivers on The Road to Stella Maris

The stones cry out
Karen Ullo writes about how, sometimes, no verbal signage is needed to recognize the violence of the past.

Friday Links
with Sarah Clarkson in Plough, National Sacred Art Exhibit contest, and Scott Beauchamp in Church Life Journal

ineffable... profligate... genuflect (?)
Amy Welborn meditates on an old note found in a second-hand book, considering how all the uncurated artifacts by which we are surrounded on a daily basis, even if they seem unconnected, weave threads of communion.

Friday Links
with Daniel Cooper, James Matthew Wilson on Michigan, W. H. Auden’s syllabus for English 135, Jackson Arn on The Sphere and Our Immersion Complex, plus preview of our next issue