Deep Down Things
Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.

Friday Links
Dorian Speed reviews Wildcat; The smell of old books; Mike Mastromatteo on James Matthew Wilson’s Saint Thomas and the Forbidden Birds ; Michael Ford on Gerard Garrigan; Jennifer Newsome Martin on The Monster and the Monstrance

A review of Wildcat - the Flannery O’Connor biopic
Dorian Speed was hoping to see ducklings on a plane!
Our 2023 J.F. Powers Prize for Short Fiction Winners!

A grain of stupidity
On the folly of philosophy and art

Friday Links
with A. M. Juster; Benjamin P. Myers on B. H. Fairchild’s An Ordinary Life; Johann Christoph Arnold on forgiveness; Mark Hemingway on Ryan Adams; D. C. Schindler on Retrieving Freedom; Collegium Seminar on Flannery O’Connor’s Why Do the Heathens Rage?

Ending on the name of Mary
Cormac McCarthy’s The Passenger and the seeds of hope.

Friday Links
with the Poor Clares of Arundal; Poems Ancient and Modern on South Dakota public radio; Mark Bauerlein on the Carthusians of Vermont; Seth Wieck on how books find us; LuElla D’Amico reviews Fragile Objects by Katy Carl

Andy Warhol as puzzle
The puzzling life of Andy Warhol - Catholic artist?

Friday Links
with David Mason reviews two new books on Lord Byron; Kat Rosenfeld on reading; Joshua Hren on Eugene Vodolazkin; Well Read Mom: Changing women’s lives through great books; Valerie reviews Bitter Water Opera by Nicolette Polek, Cyril O’Regan on BXVI

One-hundred years on: Ernest Hemingway’s “Big Two-Hearted River”
“A kind of private liturgy played out in much of Hemingway’s writing, which included not only the what and why of things, but the how.”

Friday Links
Pray the Regina Caeli during Eastertide; Cyril O’Regan in Church Life Journal; Mary Oliver; Eve Tushnet on Mariette in Ecstasy; Conor Sweetman on how The Church Loses When Our Arts Communities Die

Our 2023 Jacques Maritain Prize Winners!
Our 2023 Winners of the Jacques Maritain Prize for Nonfiction!

Poetry is a holy waste
“As a young girl, I heard my father say to me, “God is a mathematician.” He cited the stars, the way the planets move, the infinite complexity of creation, and physics. Possessing somewhat other than a passion for math myself, I protested…Mathematics are beautiful. And yet. And yet I can’t think God only occupies himself with working out math problems in the heavens…God also loves poetry.”

Friday Links
with Byun-Chul Han; Melina Moe on Toni Morrison’s Rejection Letters; William Tate reviews Jane Greer’s poetry; Carina Hodder in The Lamp

On being a paperboy
“I walk the streets…all the houses are connected, block upon never-ending block, on and on. In a lot of them, they read my newspapers. The same newspapers. A seed is planted in my soul without my realizing it. I’m unconscious of it for a long while as the seed’s roots reach out for nourishment. It’s the writing that connects them.”
Friday Links

Dappled Things Internship Opportunities!
Dappled Things welcomes applications from young editors and writers.

For those who cannot pray - T.S. Eliot’s waste land
Salvation through the cross; The Quartets through The Waste Land. So when we cannot pray, when our waste lands are too dense with debris and falsehood, we should pray in and with them, for the end is already decided.