Deep Down Things
Nicodemus, Doug Weaver
Pentecost 2012 issue.

Friday Links
While All the Earth in Darkness Sleeps; The Ghosts in the Machine: Spotify’s Plot Against Musicians; Out of the Vortex; The Big Five Publishers Have Killed Literary Fiction; Black Elk's Gift of Healing; T.S. Eliot and Abraham Lincoln: Christian Humanists

We Are Starved for Wonder: A Call to Arms
We’ll be publishing our twentieth anniversary edition next year, so you would think by now we’d have that nailed down and distilled into a pithy “elevator pitch.” Still, I found myself recently thinking about our mission again, and how it shapes our journal.

Advent Novena Meditation: Day 4
Reading for December 19.

An Inconvenient Demand
Advent thoughts from Anne Ridler’s poem: “It is good that Christmas comes at the dark dream of the year / That might wish to sleep ever. / For birth is awaking, birth is effort and pain.”

Advent Novena Meditation: Day 3
Reading for December 18.

Advent Novena Meditation: Day 2
Reading for December 17.

Festival of the Light of Lights
A Christian Recognition of Hanukkah

The Art of the Acted Word

The Advent Novena
Join us with your family and friends in praying this beautiful Advent Novena, which has become a yearly tradition for Dappled Things.

Friday Links
CATHEDRALS OF SOUND: Behind the Scenes on the Making of Fiat Lux
The Color of Dust: Beauty Matters with Jason Baxter; Sr. Carino Hodder: Of Dragons and Other Creatures; 30 Years of the Vatican Film List; A Voice from Deep Space; Thomist Poets Reading Series

Santa will find you
One mom’s examination of the stories we tell our children

Van Gogh’s Light Night
“Vincent’s ability to feel sorrow and channel it into something full of light is something I carry with me daily. Vincent taught me that when faced with suffering, we have a choice in what feelings we lean into and what we do with them.”

Friday Links
Denise Trull on The Inestimable Value of Genuine Praise; Madison Notes Podcast with Julia Yost; Grace Hamman on Sister Penelope in Expectation; Advent Carol Service: St John’s College Cambridge 1981 (George Guest); Dana Gioia on why Words Matter

It is good to be here
A profound meditation of the realities of being born via IVF

Friday Links
Clare Coffey: Skip the Cocktails This Thanksgiving; Steven Knepper: When Wonder Strikes: William Desmond's Metaphysics of Excess'; Manifesto! A Podcast: Is America Ready for a Religious Revival?; The Bobbie Sandwich ; Tongues of Men and Angels: Jazz, Sacred Music, & Creative Collaboration with J. J. Wright & Dana Gioia; Ryan Ruby on Why We Need Alexander Pope’s Wild, Weird Poetry Today

Down here in time, I grow strange
On the strangeness of life and figuring out if we really belong here.

An excerpt from First Make Mad
An exclusive excerpt shared with Dappled Things readers from Daniel Fitzpatrick’s new novel.

Friday Links
“Arraignments” by A.M. Juster; Paul Kingsnorth: “Against Christian Civilization”; Tyson Duffy on Reclaiming Ted Hughes; Book gifts for kids for this Christmas season from Dixie Dillon Lane; ‘Bonhoeffer’ Bears Little Resemblance to Reality; Mark Bauerlein: Science Says God is Real; The Really Real and the Liturgy

On Kneeling
Here’s a story in one sentence: curious essayist-of-faith creeps into her local Catholic Student Center one Wednesday to scope out its viability as a public writing space, finds herself consumed by the way devotion and tradition swim within the buildings’ walls.
Friday Links
Scratching Up the Sky by Ryan Daffurn; Joshua Hren reviews Great Expectations by Vinson Cunningham; Alexander Raikin on A Pattern of Noncompliance; David K. Anderson on John Donne’s Devotions; Malcolm Guite on T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets; “Apophatic” by Amit Majmudar in First Things; LuElla D’Amico on Love and Marriage in the Age of Austen